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About Kashmir Sabha, Kolkata

From President's Desk

Dear Biradari Members
Namaskaar !!!
I am humbled and feel honoured by the faith reposed in me, by all the members of Kashmir Sabha Kolkata, to once again lead the Sabha especially in these troubled times when the pandemic is wreaking havoc in the whole world. >>Read More

Flash News

 Interaction with the Civil society of Kolkata Organised by Kashmir Sabha Kolkata – To Watch Video Click here

AIKS Regional Conclave – Organised by KSK on 30.04.2022

Glimpse of special screening of movie “The Kashmir Files” organized by Kashmir Sabha Kolkata today

Happy To Release Vitasta Annual Number - 2021-22

 AIKS Regional Conclave Organised by Kashmir Sabha Kolkata on 30.04.2022

Kashmir Sabha, Kolkata was formally inaugurated on February 19, 1956 at Federation Hall when about fifty people gathered to adopt the Constitution of Sabha. Dr Govindjoo Vaishnavi and Sh S S Raina were elected as President and Secretary, respectively and an Executive committee was formed. Aims and objectives of Sabha as adopted have continued to guide the committees that have run the affairs of Sabha. Please click here for the list of List of Past Presidents who have steered the affairs of Sabha since its inception. attached....

Sabha was one of the first to bring out a newsletter, "News and Views", and from 1960 onwards, has brought out its Annual number, titled, VITASTA. This magazine is rich in literary content and acknowkedged as the best community magazine globally. The Sabha plays a pivotal role in maintaining our religious and cultural moorings by organising regular meetings, hawans, cultural events etc on important occasions in Kashmir Bhawan, Salt Lake, Kolkata and annual picnics for members of biradari.

Kashmir Bhawan, Kolkata at CK 35 Salt Lake, Kolkata built by biradri members under the Presidency of Sh Avtar Kishen Dhar and his team during mid 1990's has fulfilled the dream of biradari to have own premises for celebrating various festivals and offer rooms for biradari members visiting Kolkata for short term accomodation for pursuing educational, employement, cultural and medical check up reasons.

Kashmir Sabha Trust has also been set up to help the needy members of community to meet educational, medical or other requirements from whatever resources that are raised by biradari and Sabha.

For more details, pls read, Kashmir Sabha Calcutta by Dr B.K Moza and Kashmir Sabha, Calcutta - Retrospect and Prospects by Ashok Dhar as attached here..



The independent state of supreme consciousness is the reality of everything

jñānaṁ bandhah

Knowing differentiatedly is bondage and not knowing undifferentiatedly is bondage


Oam pan sodiras naavi chhas lamaan Kati boozi day myoon meti diyi boar Aamyan Takyan poony zan shamaan Zuv chuhum bramaan gari gatshihaa
Feeble is my body yet I row my boat in the ocean, When shall God listen and take me across! As water oozes out from unbaked pots, So do I pine to be home again.
'I am towing my boat pulling at the trail untwisted thread in the ocean of existence praying to be heard and help me across. The unbaked earthen dishes of my life are filled with water gradually seeping away and ready to fall apart. I am still hopeful to get liberated from this agony and reach my real home.

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